For this challenge the DB Navigator App of the Deutsche Bahn will be presented as a case study.
The main goal is to improve the experience of DB users by redesigning the app. In order to do so we need to:
1. Simplify the extensive app functions.
2. Identify the user pain points when booking a ticket.
3. Provide a quick and easy way to find a ticket that suits the user the most.
Additionally I will ideate a new feature for the app.
For this task I used the Nielsen Norman group design-thinking framework that follows an overall flow of:
1. Understand
2. Explore
3. Materialise
Within these larger buckets fall the 6 phases: empathise, define, ideate, prototype, test, and implement.
My research process begins with an exploration focused on the user for a better understanding of the common pain points, as well as doing a Competitors analysis since it is a good way to get inspiration and insight into what works and doesn't work.
I decided to interview a potential user which could be used as a proto-persona to support my hypothesis. During the user testing session the participant was asked to book a round trip ticket from Berlin to another german city using DB navigator. The research focuses on the following:
I compared the db navigation app with the swedish and the french railways apps.
With all this info in mind I started to create the first sketches and low fidelity wireframes for the redesign showing how the design solution would be like.
After that I created a prototype with a mid-fidelity screens to better showcase how the flow and the interaction would be working
The next step will be testing and getting back to users feedback until the new prototype is ready to be implemented.